Is Crab Healthy for You? The Health Benefits of Crab Meat


Crab is one of the most succulent and versatile of all types of seafood. Steamed, baked, or used in stuffing, crab meat is delicious on its own or when enjoyed as an ingredient in a recipe.

But is crab meat healthy? Let's learn more about the health benefits of eating crab with Billy's Stone Crab in Florida.

Crabs and Heart Health

Like most seafood, crab is an excellent source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B-12. These vitamins and minerals help decrease cholesterol levels in the body, reducing the risk of developing cardiac disease later in life.

Eating crabs lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Crabs Can Be a Great Source of Protein

Protein gives you energy and increases your metabolism. Crabs are one of the best sources of protein available. Containing as much as 19 grams of protein per 100 grams of meat, it has nowhere near the same levels of saturated fat as other red meats, which has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. 

The high-quality protein contained in crab is easily digestible for people of all ages.

A Delicious Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Crab contains long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. This lowers cholesterol and helps protect from heart disease. Omega-3s also aid in brain development. 

Crabs Also Contain Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is essential in the production of red blood cells and the maintenance of skin, eyes, and the nervous system. 

It also plays a role in iron absorption in the digestive tract and supports the activity of antioxidants. Because the turnover of B-12 in the human body is thought to be related to energy expenditure, physically active people may have an increased need for it in their diets.

Crab meat is high in vitamin B-12.

See the Benefits of Eating Crab Today!

To see the benefits associated with eating crab, try stone crabs from Billy's Stone Crab today. Stone crabs are a renewable source of seafood with no signs of being over-fished, meaning you can eat as much of it as you want to. 

A world-known delicacy of the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale region, stone crab is tender with a very low fat content. A good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, B-12, selenium, and magnesium, stone crabs offer a unique tasting experience. Best eaten cold, they make a delicious appetizer or main course served with Billy's Signature Mustard Sauce.

Billy's Stone Crab Waterfront Seafood Restaurant & Market

Located at 400 North Ocean Drive in Hollywood, Florida, Billy's Stone Crab offers a waterfront dining experience with a view of the sunset and boats going by. If you can't come to the restaurant to dine, you can order our crabs by the pound online.

Book a Table

We operate two fish houses in the Florida Keys, one in Marathon, FL, and another in Summerland Key, FL, with over 40 boats supplying these fish houses with stone crab, lobster, and fish daily. As both the producer and the end user, we handle the product from start to finish before our customers receive it. 

Items we sell in the market, but not online unless requested, include:

  • Grouper filet
  • Snapper filet
  • Mahi filet
  • Oysters
  • Clams 
  • Steaks

Contact us today to incorporate crabs into your healthy diet. We offer stone crab delivery nationwide (in the U.S.) packaged in insulated containers using temperature-controlled packing materials to maintain the appropriate temperature during transit. This preserves the freshness and quality of our stone crab.